GuideUiFormatChooser GuideUiFormatChooser 0 0 367 496 Aharoni 12 Preferences true unnamed preferencesTab tab General layout27 10 11 320 170 unnamed layout21 unnamed textLabel1 Font spnSize 50 32767 cboFont textLabel2 Size line1 HLine Sunken Horizontal layout26 unnamed btnSyntaxHighlighter Enable syntax highlighter true layout25 unnamed spacer7 Horizontal Fixed 20 21 btnParentheses Parentheses matching true spacer8 Horizontal Expanding 131 21 btnAutoIndent Auto indent true btnWordWrap Word wrap tab Colors unnamed layout10 unnamed layout3 unnamed textLabel3 Element lstElement layout7 unnamed layout1 unnamed btnBold 7 0 0 0 Bold btnItalic Italic btnUnderline Underline btnColor Change color false txtExample Sample true txtGlobal ; Variant of Fibonacci function that ; returns a string. (define (fib n) (if (eq? (> n 1) #f) "+1" (string-append (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))) WidgetWidth layout8 unnamed spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 111 20 btnOk 50 0 OK false spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 111 21 lstElement currentChanged(QListBoxItem*) GuideUiFormatChooser elementChanged() btnBold clicked() GuideUiFormatChooser elementModified() btnItalic clicked() GuideUiFormatChooser elementModified() btnUnderline clicked() GuideUiFormatChooser elementModified() btnColor clicked() GuideUiFormatChooser btnColor_clicked() txtGlobal cursorPositionChanged(int,int) GuideUiFormatChooser txtGlobal_cursorPositionChanged(int,int) btnOk clicked() GuideUiFormatChooser btnOk_clicked() cboFont highlighted(int) GuideUiFormatChooser formatChanged() spnSize valueChanged(int) GuideUiFormatChooser formatChanged() btnSyntaxHighlighter clicked() GuideUiFormatChooser btnSyntaxHighlighter_clicked() btnParentheses clicked() GuideUiFormatChooser btnParentheses_clicked() btnAutoIndent clicked() GuideUiFormatChooser btnAutoIndent_clicked() btnWordWrap clicked() GuideUiFormatChooser btnWordWrap_clicked() lstElement btnBold btnItalic btnUnderline btnColor txtExample txtGlobal guideuiformatchooser.ui.h class GuideUiElementFormat; class GuideUiCodeFormat; class GuideUiHighlighter class GuideUiMainWindow; GuideUiCodeFormat *codeFormat; GuideUiMainWindow *main; setHighlighter( GuideUiHighlighter * cfa ) setMainWindow( GuideUiMainWindow * main ) formatChanged() elementChanged() elementModified() updateExample( GuideUiElementFormat * ef ) btnOk_clicked() btnColor_clicked() txtGlobal_cursorPositionChanged( int para, int col ) btnSyntaxHighlighter_clicked() btnParentheses_clicked() btnAutoIndent_clicked() btnWordWrap_clicked() init() loadCboFont()